
Home School Planner

Link to download: Click here 

 As we embark on this journey of homeschooling our kids in the coming days , I wish to offer my support for making learning fun for you and your little ones. Let's begin by involving our little ones in this new routine of staying at home and learning by giving them an opportunity to think of an interesting name for their new school. You will find a printable in the downloads where a blank space has been given to write the name of the school.

Every family is different, and you know what kind of routine will work for you and your family. Taking that into consideration I have created a daily schedule which you can fill with the help of your children. Let's not forget that the more we involve our kids in the process the more chances are that we will stick to a routine. Also, it will act as a visual reminder for little ones to see how their day will progress.

Lastly, to help you plan and organise resources for scaffolding your little ones's learning a weekly planner is also available for download.

List of downloads -

1. Welcome to school

2. My Day

3. Weekly Planner