From the time children are born, they are immersed in a rich pool of language; and so the ability to distinguish and recognise their own name is a significant milestone. It is a first step towards self-recognition.For every child their name is special and one of the most important words. It is probably one of the first word that your child will learn to read, spell and write. This personalised Cater-speller, available in 6 different colours, is going to make name-recognition even more special and fun for your little one. The brightly-coloured Cater-speller will captivate your child’s attention and introduce them to the letters in their name in a playful way. As the letters are attached to the wooden pegs using Velcro, this provides your little one with ample opportunities to practise spelling their name, whilst also developing their fine motor skills. What’s more - make your little one feel special and loved by sticking their photograph in the space provided.
Please note: First names with up to 7 characters can be accommodated on this product. PLEASE LEAVE THE NAME IN THE MESSAGE BOX AT THE TIME OF CHECKOUT. If you have any other specific requirements, feel free to get in touch.
Length: 30cm-42cm (depending upon number of characters)
Height: 7cm
Available in 6 colours (purple, gold, pink, orange, chocolate, blue)
What's included:
Caterpillar body with printed letters of child's name
Natural wooden pegs with matching letters (velcro attached for ease of use)
Matching antennae
Instruction card (including ideas to extend learning)
Skills developed:
- Literacy - name recognition, uppercase and lowercase letter recognition, letter formation, letter shapes, letter order, left to right directionality
- Fine motor skills - bilateral integration (dominant hand and supportive hand), hand-eye coordination, hand finger strength, hand dominance, pincer grip (opening and closing pegs), thumb opposition, dexterity
- Visual discrimination
- Matching
- Problem solving
- Enhances attention span
- Develops Concentration
* The product contains small pieces. Adult supervision is required at all times.